Friday, 28 March 2008


Success means;

Success starts with the decision to become successful in life.
The types of success I am talking about, is the type that has society in mind. Not the type of success that will rip the poor of their inheritance.

Every person in life strives to be successful in one way or the other. I would also want to believe that you are not doing what you do because you just needed something to do. I also don’t want to believe that you don feel anything when ever you couldn’t meet your target. There is a part of man call self actualization where you will surely feel fulfilled of becoming a success in what you. This is why I would like us to take a critical look at success and how we can achieve it. If wishes are horses I believe every body would have ride but success is always worked for.

A man named Foster McGraw became a millionaire when he decided to become rich at a tender age. As a young sales man, he discovered that hospitals don’t buy their own materials in bulk. Doctors normally send their nurses on errands to purchase or pick up bandages, strings and other hospital needs from the drug stores.
He then had the idea of going to the hospitals and provides them and suppliers all they may need. The offer was accepted by the doctors and all hospitals alike. What he did was that he normally goes to the manufacture; buy what he wants to supply to the hospitals and later he became the major supplier to the nation’s hospitals. By so doing the American Hospital suppliers’ corporation was born.

Another man who made good use of opportunity in his time is George Petty who created jobs for millions of people in the United States of America.
It was said that a town in Wisconsin named Kimberly, was built around a paper factory seventy- five years ago and when the factory collapse, the lives of the people in that town became bad. When George read the news articles in the journals, he decided to use the opportunity to build a factory for the town.

I have also come to agree that we do not have money problem but idea problem.
Most people complain of not having money to start something of their own but George is a typical example of someone who had nothing but made something out of nothing.
He didn’t have money but had an idea of going to stakeholders to negotiate with them to sponsor the building of the plant.
That same year the factory was built and thousands of VIPs were there, flags were flying all over the place.

These men are all ordinary people who rose to stardom because of the following steps they took;

To be a winner or a loser depends solely on you. There were situations where winners over jubilate and lost their success and there have been instances where looser turn their weakness into personal victories. Success or failure does not end after the end of the game but it all depends on how you handle your situation. It is possible for you to turn your failure into success no matter the circumstances.
For example, I have always been telling people that ‘no body can make you happy unless yourself’. This means that your happiness is never in the hands or control of any person. The same way that the height you go in life depends on the kind of decisions you make daily.

The parable of the talents gives us a clear graphic picture of choices people make, where one choose to bury his talent, the other two decided to invest their talents. All three were given the same time limit and the same opportunities.

Every body in the world is potentially great. But you can become successful if you can choose to pursue your talents and potentials greatly.
I wouldn’t want to know what you are created for but make the decision to be a success today. Success is all about your choices…..

Real success is accepting your God given purpose, abilities and opportunities in life and giving your divinely –inspired goals a total percentage of your effort.
Sometimes success may not come to you unless you fail.

A typical example is the pole vaulter who can not be declared the winner until the last person fail to jump the last hurdle. Success is discovering and developing your potentials as well as seeing the new opportunities born all around you every new day.

If you will become successful, you have to set goals in life. this that if you have to go back to school you must decide when, what to study, who do I want to become and how do I go back to school?,
If you want to be successful in you marriage, then you would have to defined when, who to marry, why do you want to marry and what you would want to see in your marriage.

Goal setting is all about WHAT, WHEN, WHO, WHY and HOW.
I would want you to take a moment off whatever you are doing now and ask your self the above questions. This will give you the platform to set your goals in life.

Every day there are new opportunities God realizes to us. You must always pray that God may open your eyes to see the opportunities around you. Some times some of us run away from our opportunities. The bible says that the mercies of God are renewed every morning.

A Hungarian scientist called Albert Szent Gyorgyi said ‘discovery is an accident meeting a prepared mind ’

All successful men and women in the world and those entire rose into greatness were people who made good use of opportunities. Some times a lady may desperately been looking for a man to marry, but because she is not prepared, the men run away from her. I mean the man is not her taste, not her king but some times in the will of God that is an opportunity. Some people come around us daily who our angels but we mostly look down on them because our expectations are so high. I pray that God will open your eyes to locate whoever is carrying your miracles.
In every situation, there are opportunities make good uses of them to become successful...

Success is a process that may never stop. So after solving one problem you must move on to the other because you can not live in this world and not expect problems. If you don’t want to go through problems then the best place to be is the cemetery. Face problems and never run away from them. Real success is measured by how much problems you are able to solve. Also success will be measured by how charming, graceful, polite and positive you have become through the evolving process of solving the problems of life.

Society will pay you according to the solution you give her. In other words your contribution to society will determine how society treats you. Problems are never ending. You can never run away from problems and challenges but must face them and make sure you solve societal problems.

All those who have ruled the world are successful men and women. If you really want to be on top of the world then you must have the mind of a world over comer and have vision for the world instead of your locality.
The alternative to prosperity is poverty. Many people have been oppressed by poverty.
Poor people are always tempted to trade their freedom, poverty invites dictatorship, poverty leaves people depressed, discourage and defeated at the mercies of the rich.

Don’t accept your current situation and never limit yourself to any circumstance that you facing at the moment. Some time people may define you by your situation but refuse to give up. Move on for you can change your society. Revival does not start by people but starts with a person.
Our society needs people who will come out with solutions and I know you can do it. Use your potentials to help society.


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