Dear Friends!
I wish to welcome all the youth of the world to the year 2008.
Most of the time when the year is getting to the end many tries as much as they could to re-adjust their goals, plans, targets and self planed purpose into the next year of which I know you have also set goals for 2008. Most people keep on changing jobs, goals, and purposes in life because they could not find their real purpose for living. It is only in the will and purpose of God that we can find the kind of peace we expect in the world.
I have therefore outlined a few points to help you define the right reason why you are still alive.
There is none of us on earth by accident. We are not only on earth to applaud people but for others to also applaud us. Life and purpose is like auto manufacturing companies. Every manufacturer knows the exact model, type, speed, fuel consumption and durability of the car before it is molded.
If the car will be a sports car, saloon car, a truck, a cargo, it will be determined by the manufacturer.
God has a purpose and a reason for bringing you into the year 2008. He anointed you for the purpose of attaining a height in life that will bring glory to His name. No matter where you fine yourself, being ministry, management, government, construction, marketing, etc, you still have your place in the development of society. For example, take two healing ministers and watch the manifestation of the spirit that comes from them. You will realize that even though they both have the gift of healing given the same spirit, they have different ways of manifesting their gifts. You must keep in mind that in the whole world there is no other person with the unique features you have. You are uniquely created for a specific purpose in life. Without you, there is no world.
This means that God created us for a purpose of taking dominion over his creations, continuing the creation on earth and becoming his ambassadors on earth.
For you to be able to discover your purpose, you will have to understand that it is all about God.
The purpose of your life is far greater than your personal fulfillment, your peace of mind and even happiness in life.
The search for purpose in life by many has really taken so many years.
We mostly ask personal questions like what do I want to do?
What should I do with my life? What are my goals in life?
What are my ambitions in life?
What are my dreams in life?
But focusing on ourselves will never reveal the true nature of our lives. Most of the problems in the world today is as a result of misplaced purpose. Most problems in marriage today is because some fine themselves in the wrong places. In God’s plan for your life, He would have wanted you to identify His purpose for your life which will lead you to the kind of choices you make in life. This will accelerate your progress in impacting society.
Somebody created you and as such you must understand that life will not make sense to you unless you discover the creator and the reason for your creation. Every manufacturer has the manual to his product and knows the exact purpose for the creation of that particular product or services.
For the discovery of your true purpose, it starts with God.
For in him were all things created, in the heavens and upon the earth, things visible and things invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers; all things have been created through him, and unto him; (Colossians 1: 16)
Three purpose of God for our lives
You discover your identity and purpose through a relationship with Christ.
God thought of you long before you ever thought of Him. His purpose for your life predicts your conception. You may have the opportunity to choose your spouse, career, hobbies etc but your purpose can only be by Him.
His purpose for your life fits a larger, cosmic purpose that God has designed for eternity.
There is a seed in you that need the Lord as it source of power. For us to be able to impact society or our generation we need the lord to refresh and direct our steps into success.
Your progress towards success begins with the fundamental question: where am I going in life? Your purpose must be derived from what God says you are and what His overall will is for your life.
Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievements in life, and its lack is the stumbling block for ninety- nine out of every hundred people who fail simply because they do not have a defined purpose. When you study any body that has been successful, you will realize that they all have a definite major purpose. Each has the plan of reaching that goal and a start towards them.
Every body that has been successful has about ninety nine percent of their time dedicated or devoted to the achievement of that purpose.
A proverb that says
‘If you would plant for days, plant flowers
If you want to plant for years, plant trees
If you want to plant for eternity, plant ideas
Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote ‘one single idea may have greater weight than the labor of all men, animals and engines for a century’
You can not be tossed around by any wind that blows because you do not know what you want to do or go in life. If you have to be successful in the year 2008, you will have to define your purpose. What exactly do I want to do this year? You can not go through this year without achieving anything. The world is crying for solution to the problems that is swallowing people and you can become a solution if only you can define your purpose.
a. A defined purpose grows your self esteem
Definiteness of purpose develops self-reliance, personal initiatives, imagination, enthusiasm, self-discipline and concentrated effort. All these are required for success. Some grew from communities and families that subjected them to so much criticism that killed their self image and self esteem. The past has been hunting such personalities and it is a major stumbling block to success. But the definition of purpose will grow your self image gives you the edge to pursue God’s agenda for your life.
b. A defined purpose makes you Specialized
Definiteness of purpose encourages you to specialize and specialization leads us to perfection. Your success in life depends on a great deal of your ability to know much about a specific area and to perform exceptionally within it. General education is important because by pursuing it, you will discover your basic aptitude and desires. It is believed that what ever you keep on practicing, you become excellent and perfect. Your purpose to succeed will help you know all the attitudes and skills you need to get the height you want to be in the will of God.
c. A defined purpose help you Budget your time and money
Once you have defined your purpose and ideas it will help you budget your time and resources as well as your day to day life activities. Time management always yields dividends because each moment is geared towards the achievement of your purpose in life. Your money is also put to a proper use. A defined purpose will teach you how use money and your time as to when to attend to business, friends and family. No successful person in the world spends excessive time at places that will not develop their purpose in life.
d. A defined purpose makes you alert to opportunities
Definiteness of purpose makes you aware of opportunities relating to your major dreams and it inspires, encourages you to act on them. Edward Bok was an immigrant to America who set out to make his living by writing books. He began a flourishing business writing short biographies which he employed six people. One evening at a theater he noticed that the program was poorly and too large to handle so he conceived an idea to print a smaller and better looking for theaters. The following morning he sent a sample to the director of the theater who accepted the offer and later Bok began to do advertisement.
If you can see opportunity as quickly as you can see the fault of others then you will be successful.
e. A defined purpose helps in your decision making
Successful people make decision quickly and firmly. Unsuccessful people make decision slowly and they change them often. Remember that ninety-eight percent of people who are not successful are those who can not make up their mind about their major decision and purpose in life. Try to start with the next problem that comes your ways because it is better than never starting at all.
f. A defined purpose makes you talk to people
Definition of your ideas will develop confidence in your own integrity and character which will attract favorable attention from others and inspire their cooperation. The ninety eight percent who can not decide on what exactly they want in life will always want someone who will lead for them to follow.
g. A defined purpose build in you Faith
Definition of ideas and purpose opens your mind to the quality known as faith. It makes your mind positive and frees your mind from limitation of doubt, discouragement, indecision and procrastination.
These limitations are some of the greatest roadblocks you will face on your way to success.
h. A defined purpose makes you success conscious
This closely related to faith but in this case your mind becomes solid on success that you refuse the possibility of failure.
A young man called Walter P. Chrysler lived in Salt Lake City many years ago who was industrious and much admired. One day he went to the bank and withdrew all his money
He went to an automobile show in New York and returned with a new car. Worse to that as soon as he got home, he put the car in his garage, jacked it up and proceeded to make it apart, pieces by pieces. After examining every piece, he put the car back together again.
This young man’s innovation brought a revolution in the automobile industries in America. This young man was so success conscious that he invented what is called Chrysler automobile. This was possible because of a definite purpose.
I think this will be the starting point of discovering what God has in store for you in 2008.
please do well to send us what you think about life by clicking the comment box
if you also have any inspirational message you can send it through the comment box and we will publish it.
Thank you and stay blessed
God changed the status of David from a shepherd to a King of Israel, Esther from a slave to a Queen, Joseph from a prisoner to a Prime Minister of Egypt, etc. That same God will give you a new designation very soon in the name of Jesus.I pray that as you read this, may you be free from every debt and debt burdens. Stars don't strugggle to shine, rivers don't struggle to flow, also you will never struggle to excel in life because you deserve the best. Hold on to your dream and it shall become a reality.AMEN.
The will of God will never take you to where the grace of God will not protect you. You are blessed beyoud all curses and your success is fast approaching.The LORD will connect you to those that will help you and you shall remain a blessing to others in the mighty name of JESUS. AMEN.
God Bless you Charles and YNI. This is great
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